DVD and Cam!
Tonight I finally watched the highly-rated "Shrek 2" on DVD! Set in a kingdom far, far away, it's the story of the love of Shrek the Ogre who's unrequitted love for his wife Fiona and the father of Fiona who is shocked to learn of his beloved daughter has married an ogre. Dismayed and despaired and in an illicit contractual bind with Fiona's fairy godmother, he sends a feline of a hitman -- the witty, funny Puss in Boots -- to take him out, only to learn later that the pussycat has joined Shrek in his quest to save Fiona from her fairy godmother and a diabolical plot to separate them. Though the donkey has been my favorite character, Puss in Boots kind of stole the show with him.:)
One thing about Shrek 2 that moved me was that it was the story of an ogre who wanted Fiona to be happy and was willing to sacrificially change himself for her. The story reminds us that when you fall in love with someone, you love them for who they are, not what they aren't. I truly believe this myself. No one is perfect; there will be things you endear about another person and things you wish you could do without. When the initial chemistry subsides, what matters the most is remembering what brought you to another person in the first place and that you can see beyond the physical, the superficial, the petty, and the doubts for this. Many couples lose sight of this, unfortunately.
Being the hi-tech person I am, I finally bought myself a web cam tonight as well! I'm still learning how to use it and the pictures aren't the best resolution but should be good enough for video chatting with friends. I've even posted the very first snapshot I took with it in my profile (see right)!=)
I saw shrek 2 on the flight to Hawaii this past August. It was quite entertaining and I remembered how hilarious it was when they used 80s (or was it 70s) music as some of the themes. The cat was pretty funny too.
With regards to the webcam...*ah-hem*...as if you ain't skanky enough...no comment though. =p
Anonymous, at 3:30 PM
Hehe, I am PUSSSSSSS........ in boots!:) The movie wuz great, and dun forget the fun of trying to spot all the corporate puns in the buildings (I wonder how much of a kick-back each company got for each?)!
Me skanky? Um, hmm...well, as Whitney once sang.."I learned from the best...I learned from Youuuuuuu" :P~
Web designer, Dfs, at 11:51 PM
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