Busy Week Again!
I really do wish I updated my blog more often, so bare with me as I recap!
Last Thursday I met with one of my clients for my freelance web design. I'm busy working on a new prototype for his association's website at www.waferfab.org. I think my customer is impressed with my work from what I hear, and that makes me feel good (cuz often I can be my own harshest critic).
Afterward, I drove to SF to meet up with my friend Alan, who was in town on his way home to Singapore. He had been visiting Boston for a few days to check out dentistry schools there and, on his way back home, decided to pay me and SF a visit. I've known Alan for at least a year (we met online) and have become good friends since. So it was quite cool to meet him in person for the first time and put his personality and coutenance into an in-my-face context. I took him to some food at the Baghdad Cafe where we got to catch up on some old times and his trip to Boston.
Friday night was Stephen's 25th birthday. We celebrated by taking him out to dinner at Chic's Seafood Restaurant at Fisherman's Wharf in SF. The food was okay, though I expected a little more attention to detail for the $28 full dinner at such a refined restaurant. For example, my silverware was not clean and also the spinach salad was sour and gritty (i.e. the spinach wasn't washed thoroughly enough). After dinner we all went clubbing at The Cafe. I picked up my friend Alan from his hotel and brought him to the club and introduced him to my friends. We all had fun and was it jammed packed that night! I even bumped into my friend Evan there.
Saturday I dropped Alan off at SFO for his return flight to Singapore. Then I headed to work for a few hours. At night I stayed at home and worked some more on my freelance project for waferfab.org.
Sunday my best friend Timothy and I had lunch with my parents and then I showed him my home-to-be in South San Jose. He really liked the floorplan but, as there was no model for it, probably enjoyed touring through the other model homes in the builder community.:) Later T and I did some light shopping at Oakridge Mall. Sunday night returned to SF yet again for a birthday dinner for Todd. He, Steve, Darrin and I ate at Eric's in Noe Valley. Though it sounded like some sort of deli, Eric's served quite a nice variety of tasty dishes, including Eric's Fiery Prawns -- an interesting spicy shrimp dish with a salsa-like sauce. AFterward we ll went to Starbucks for coffee and we had some deep discussion about each of our lives, how happy we were, and where we wanted to go.
Monday was work as usual. Lunch with Evan (whom I had seen on the previous Friday) at BJ's in Cupertino. Good food, stellar service, especially since Evan found a hair in his salad and made no fuss about it. But our kind waittress did and told the manager, who came out and practically begged us to accept their apologies and if we wanted anything (on his knees!). We both said there was no problem. I wish more restaurants were diligent and considerate like that BJ's!
Tonight my Amazing Race 6 team placed ahead of Seymour's team again for a 2nd week. Yay! I want my iPod, Sey!:) But I was worried at first cuz my team started out in first and then made a big dumb error in the first task that dropped them to last place in the pack of 8! Fortunately, they came in 4th this leg of the trip, which also was a non-elimination round.
Damn you had hella bdays to go to. Now I know what Seymour was talking about.
What's BJ's? A bathhouse? =)
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
Uh, yah...includin yo natality celeb, foo!:) What wuz Sey sayn about me?=) Now I got Siu's bday and Steve Y's next month..man, frenz are expensive!:P~
Web designer, Dfs, at 8:12 PM
It's Siu's and MINE...round two of shaneyney-don't-play...LOL.
Sey just msg'd me on downelink and I asked how he was doin'. Just mentioned that you been to a lot of bday events. Nozy ass! =p
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM
Uh, yo partay dun over already k and it Siu's turn. Stop trying be hoggin the spotlite from her, miss vain thang. =P
Web designer, Dfs, at 11:46 PM
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