Catching Up on My Blog
Friday, September 22, 2006
It's been a semi-long week at work. I flexed my time earlier in the week, so I had a shorter beginning of the week. But I then had to work a 10 hour day on Thursday, followed by a long-@ss 11 hour day on Friday. Why do I do that to myself? Usually after 8 hours of hard work, I'm ready to head home.
At night stayed up talking to AT. Surprised him with my announcement that I would be visiting him in Singapore in 3 weeks instead of 5. Im looking forward to the trip and to seeing him. Jus have to book my flight and hotel now. I surprisingly found a flight out of San Jose to Tokyo then Tokyo to Singapore for only $881. I originally thought I was going to have to leave from SFO. This will be much closer. AT is helping me with finding a hotel in Sg.
Song of the Day: "Look on the Floor" (Hypnotic Tango Angel City Short mix) -- Bananarama
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Had tea with my friend Huy on Thursday. He's so fun to talk to, despite our bickerin back and forth sometimes. Let's see how many of your buttons can I push, H...
It's been a semi-long week at work. I flexed my time earlier in the week, so I had a shorter beginning of the week. But I then had to work a 10 hour day on Thursday, followed by a long-@ss 11 hour day on Friday. Why do I do that to myself? Usually after 8 hours of hard work, I'm ready to head home.
At night stayed up talking to AT. Surprised him with my announcement that I would be visiting him in Singapore in 3 weeks instead of 5. Im looking forward to the trip and to seeing him. Jus have to book my flight and hotel now. I surprisingly found a flight out of San Jose to Tokyo then Tokyo to Singapore for only $881. I originally thought I was going to have to leave from SFO. This will be much closer. AT is helping me with finding a hotel in Sg.
Song of the Day: "Look on the Floor" (Hypnotic Tango Angel City Short mix) -- Bananarama
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Had tea with my friend Huy on Thursday. He's so fun to talk to, despite our bickerin back and forth sometimes. Let's see how many of your buttons can I push, H...
Good to know ur coming asia! yay!
can't wait to finally meet up wif ya, lee :)
nickk, at 1:57 PM
So who's this AT guy??? And get your lazy ass working more early in the week so you can workout with me on Fridays. =)
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM
oh.. now that i know youre just trying to push my buttons... I'm gonna make it THAT much more difficult for yu to crawl under my skin.. =P
Anonymous, at 1:12 AM
Nickk: am looking forward to meeting up wif ya too! k.i.t. and c u soon!
Web designer, Dfs, at 1:56 PM
kryzak: O.K., i'll get my lazy @ss outa bed earlier so we can hit the gym Fridae' me and wake me up!:P
Web designer, Dfs, at 1:57 PM
huy: dun worrie...i'll find a way under your skin still...:P
Web designer, Dfs, at 1:59 PM
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