Pre-Halloween in the Castro
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I had a freaky fun time Saturday night for Halloween. Went with James, Stephen, Siu, Ben, Eric and Angel for sushi, partying and the 'unofficial' pre-Halloween Party in the Castro. We were all dressed up in our costumes: James was a nerd; I was a gay reaper in an ominous black robe with no face; Eric was a wanna-be surgeon/doctor; Siu - she was Dorothy (from Wizard of Oz) or something; Angel was a girl scout (she was cute!); Ben was a sailor boy; and Stephen, well, chigga was a preppy pimp cuz his ass was too lazy to put on a costume.:P (But ya looked handsome like always, Sha-ney-ney!).
To start the night of fright, we all dug into some sushi at Nippon Yakuosa on Church Street in SF. And fortunately we weren't the only freaks in the house wearing costumes!:) James did the honors of ordering for our group in the small, vapor-steamy Japanese restaurant where you sat in old hard wooden chairs, often back-to-back with customers from the next table. The sushi was good and a bargain if you weren't snobby about the no-frills ambience. However, I didn't care too much for the alcoholic cider I had with it (think I prefer non-alcoholic fizzy apple juice ;)).
After dinner, we all walked through the Castro to Elizabeth's house. Along the way I had some mischievous fun peering into windows of restaurants and passing cars, forebodingly giving warnings to laughing onlookers. I guess there's some fun to not being able to been seen in your costume and being a 'universally recognized' character (i.e. Death).
At Elizabeth's home, there were a lot of people already there, and I got to meet some new people including a self-proclaimed Miss Chinatown (Sarah), Elizabeth (the owner, dressed in a nice umbrella white dress), a fallen priest, and some others. Even more frightening was the awful "SCAREOKE" singing there that would make William Hung cringe! And Ben and Siu, I'm sorry but you guys made my ears run for cover! ;P
Bernie and his friend Ricardo also managed to join up with us at the party for a bit.
Toward midnight we all headed over to another party at Eric's friend, whose Victorian home of bare wooden floors, unpainted walls, and devoid of any furniture appeared as if it was undergoing renovation. There we drank some more (or the others did at least) and did some dancing. A couple of straight blond girls tried macking on one of our straight-acting friends, clueless that his boyfriend was nearby. They also stamped Siu as a "skanky Dorothy-wanna be", which was the WRONG thing to say cuz Siu juz got all pissed! I mean, those girls brought out the bitch in Dorothy that'd make Toto run for cover. It was funny!!
After the fun and drama at Brian's, we all climaxed the night with some dancing at The Cafe. Lotta people there in the ever-crowded, hot and stuffy club, many dressed in costume. Had fun dancing with the gang and freakin with Angel and getting her girl scout cookie.;p
Tonight I didn't go to the highly publicized, straight-gorilla'd version of Halloween in the Castro (did you know that they televise it now thanks to KRON Channel 4?!). I've been a couple times before, and usually it's sooooooooooo crowded that the fun ends after the first 10 minutes of ogling others' costumes and then trying not to lose your friends in the crushing sea of people.
Anyways, HaPPy HalloWeen everybody!!!